Saturday 31 March 2007

The PlayStation 3 Brings The World To A Halt

You can make money online through affiliate programs, paid surveys, adsense, domains, advertising and many more...But how about selling merchandise online to a potential unscrupulous thousands upon thousands of customers? Yes it's possible now, thanks to the great internet phenomena and with internet users on the rise, it's becoming a rapidly growing ideal marketplace. You no longer have to do it the old fashion way of opening up a small physical store or outlet, with the high renting permit expenses and the whole works. Instead, we have websites or eStores, that are practically the same thing except it's virtual...and more fun, so to speak!

Well, if your up for it, finding quality Wholesalers or Dropshippers for the PS3 at this time might just be worthwhile. As you might be aware, it is the hottest games console out now. The PS3 has only begun taking the world by surprise. The PS3 was released in America and Japan in Mid November, with sales topping 81, 639 units within 24 hours of it's introduction in Japan, according to Media Create. If you think thats outrageous, get a load of the 244, 468 units consumed hastily on launch date in America.

Now, I'm no Sony Marketing Consultant but I can tell you that Sony are just beginning the huge marketing campaign. This will draw attention of the many people still unaware about the console's release. There will be tons of others out there waiting to see and hear about the reviews of what seems to be "an immaculate machine, well worth the price"...what their friends, relatives and family have to say before they're enticed to grab their hands on this much eagerly anticipated machine. When the word goes around more people will be running to their local HMV, Game, Virgin MegaStores and readily pulling out their wallets. I can quite safely bet even at next Christmas this will be amongst the top 3 Bestsellers, without a doubt!

The European Launch took place at the 23rd March along with Australia, New Zealand and the Emirates. With a UK price tag of £425 many people at the early stage have been quite reluctant in jumping on board with yet another great edition to the franchise. Some are even waiting for price drops, but when they realise it's no time soon, the anticipation will become intolerable, and you guessed it, they too will be sucked into the spell.

Ok, so PS3 have delayed launch date by a year, enough to salvage as many more consoles in production as possible and yes the pre-orders did not run out like with the Xbox and particularly Nintendo Wii, whom have experienced an overwhelming level of demand, forcing upto over double the retail price on auction sites. But, the PlayStation franchise has without doubt been dominating the marketing since the baby PS1 and been going strong since. What are the odds that the 3rd installment will end out a disaster? Personally, I think the chances are highly unlikely. In fact, I think demand for this console will rise not during the beginning phase of launch, but near the middle, where I expect a growth spurt. This is when you'd expect stock to be running out quite fast...and guess what? Demand shooting up as fast as a bullet. I have read up on several Market Analysts predictions most of whom can honestly say the same thing.

Only time will tell, but wouldn't it be nice if you could have your stock of PS3's ready for that heavenly period of excess demand. With simple economics in mind, that would mean fluctuating levels of supply....Bingo! Just the moment I've been waiting for. This would be the ideal time to sell the consoles at ridiculously high prices. Expect to double profits quite easily and if you can get a hold of low price suppliers for the PS3, even better!

Ok, here's the good part, the highest ever price recorded for a PS3 on sale on eBay was $3200 (£1665)...on auction format with a great number of crazy bids. Now thats how desperate people got on - This is '5 times greater' than the RRP of $600 - Absolutely mind-blowing, but very much expectable for a product as such! Even if you can't sell on eBay at prices like the above, you can still sell to overseas PS3 fans. My research has gathered retail prices at some European destinations, with the likes of Sweden, Serbia, Norway and Denmark's prices going at average $980 (£510), console without games. Now thats the highest selling prices Sony have allocated for Europe. Suppliers in Honk Kong and America are apparently selling at ludicrously low prices, especially in comparison to the European retail line.

I have found several remarkable quality suppliers, both Dropshippers and Wholesalers selling at ludicrously low prices. We're talking from $500 - $590 (£260 - £310)...sell each for $900 to hungry European PS3 fans, you're looking at a whooping $400 profit each console, if sold at a measly low retail price....which should be the very least, and definately higher prices to expect when PS3 stocks run out in Europe! I don't know about you, but this may perhaps be a wise time to start preparing to the next big "Gold Rush"...

I've found my top-of-the-range suppliers at this website -- CLICK HERE --

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